Atlantis Thermal wall                      

by Mattia Papp

Mattia's work takes classical elements of Italian tradition, its streets, its smells, old shops, and architecture, and translates them into a contemporary
language using different media, from paintings to ceramics and videos.

125 x 76 x 8 cm

Pigments, marble powder, resin on plastic material, cased in iron.



Mattia Papp was born in Florence in 1993.
Since 2013 he has been living in the Netherlands, where he graduated in 2017 from the Royal academy of the art of The Hague(KABK), painting department.  His artistic practice is defined through strong material and narrative research and is rooted in a fascination for decadence and decay, natural history, mythology, and magic realism.

With his graduation work in KABK, he won awards like the Jan Rode and Piket prizes.
Since then, he has been working with theatre, painting, and installations, aiming to engage Florence and the Netherlands in a creative and active dialogue. The artists’ practice is defined through strong material and narrative research and is rooted in a fascination for decadence and decay, natural history, mythology, and magic realism.

Via dei Pandolfini 20 – Florence, Italy
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