
ADAGIO IV                      

by Leonardo Anker Vandal

The artist transforms his experiences of personal trauma in his early life into a highly personal and poetic visual language. The process of making art for Vandal is a form of catharsis and the often autumnal colors of his works create a sense of deep and therapeutic serenity. Nostalgia and melancholy permeate the experience of his work which explores solely the unseen and subconscious. Vandal defines his work as an ‘a medley of silence’ and an attempt to bring dreams into a form of reality, creating a direct conversation with what the viewer is experiencing. Vandal’s paintings draw the viewer into an inner world, one begun by the artist but left for the viewer, suspended in a moment in time.

140cm x 125cm  

Tea and acrylic on primed oil on canvas



Leonardo Anker Vandal defines his work as a medley of silence’ and an attempt to bring an internal world into a form of reality. The process of making art for Vandal is a form of catharsis, transforming his experiences of personal trauma into a highly personal and poetic visual language to create a sense of therapeutic serenity.

He expresses these complex ideas using every medium in his reach, often choosing unusual materials for their symbolic potency; earth, reeds, and tree roots reference time and the patterns of life, death, and decay.

His ‘Adagio’ series is an ode to beauty and the poetry within the soul expressed without restraint in music, finding inspiration in the works of Mahler, Sibelius, and Rachmaninov. The ‘Breathing’ paintings were started to visualize techniques used to control his anxiety, creating a physical space to represent the ephemerality of breathing.

Via dei Pandolfini 20 – Florence, Italy
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