Solo Exhibition

Tycjan Knut
‘Horror Vacui’

Featuring a series of 17 paintings created at Numeroventi in Florence between winter 2021 and fall 2022, the exhibition shows new works created specifically for the space.

The title ‘Horror Vacui’ from Latin means ‘fear of blank space’, and refers to the erasing quality of Tycjan’s work, and Aristotle’s idea of nature absorbing all the empty space.

Opening Hours

Tycjan Knut creates subtle abstractions. Using delicate tonal differences and neutral colors, his works have an effect that verges optical illusion. What meets the eye at a glance may not be all it seems after a closer inspection. His paintings unfold slowly, with multiple anchor points drawing the viewer’s eye across the painting and creating a sense of balance. By building up overlapping layers of color in a way that resembles the organic world, he creates images that trick the eye into perceiving new depth in already highly structural objects.

High resolution images and catalog of the works will be available on request, after the exhibition.
For press info and prices please email


Via dei Pandolfini 20 – Florence, Italy
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